04.09.2019 / 07:04
Phone Booking of Appointments for Submitting Long Term Business Visa for the Citizens of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka

Phone Booking of Appointments for Submitting Long Term Business Visa for the Citizens of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka

In order to secure sufficient resources of manpower for the Czech labor market and in line with the concept of regulated economic migration, the Government of the Czech Republic enacted the Government Regulation No. 220/2019 on August 26, 2019, which introduces the quotas of employee cards and long-term entrepreneurships applications. The regulations enter into force on September 1, 2019.

The concept of regulated economic migration aims to increase the presence of qualified employees from selected countries on the Czech labour market.

The quotas regarding the number of long-term business visa applications are hereby set to 24 per year, out of which 12 applications are dedicated to “Key and Science Personnel Program”. This type of application may be lodged by the legal residents of India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Srí Lanka and the Maldives. The limits established by the Government Regulation shall not be exceeded, hence the embassy is not entitled to exceed the limits under any circumstances.

The quotas will be equally spread out across the 12 months. Information on how to schedule an appointment will be published on the website of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi.

 1.       Phone booking

2.      The appointments for personal submitting of long-term business visa applications at the embassy have to be booked in advance and it can only be done via the phone number

+91-11-2415 5276


The phone calls received on this phone line are recorded


3.      The rule one phone call = one applicant is to be applied

4.      Phone calls received on this phone line will be ordered into a queue automatically in accordance with the sequence of calling the embassy.

5.      The embassy does not interfere with the sequence of received phone calls, nor the embassy changes or influences the queue of received phone calls. Any requests for           prior phone calls can not be accepted. In case that the applicant is not able to submit his application personally on the provided date, he shall book a new appointment in the standard way.

6.      Applicants have to provide following data in the phone call:

  • name and surname of the applicant,
  • the type of residence permit the applicant wishes to apply for,
  • contact details of the applicant (e-mail ID, contact phone number),
  • number of travel document.

On September 5, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. IST the phone bookings will be available for September, October and November 2019

New DelhiEmbassy

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