02.09.2022 / 13:45 | Aktualizováno: 07.09.2022 / 14:45
The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi announces a call for proposals of the Small Scale Projects, which could be supported by a financial contribution within the framework of the Czech Republic development cooperation.
The Small Scale Projects (SSP) are one of the instruments of the development cooperation of the Czech Republic. SSP are identified by the respective Embassies of the Czech Republic (through applications submitted by potential implementers) and approved by headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). SSP aims to contribute to the local subject by small-scale development activities in accordance with the beneficiary country´s national development priorities.
By the Czech Republic supported a small scale projects should not only bring development outputs, but should also contribute to increasing the visibility of the Czech Republic in the country. Various projects can be supported, such as projects to promote local development, improve health or medical care, eradicate poverty, make education available, educate people in rural areas, protect the environment, improve the position of women in the society or promote coexistence between ethnic and religious communities.
One of the crucial condition is a project sustainability (meaning the project would be able to run in a future without further financial support)
The financial contribution is intended for projects implemented in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Implementer of the SSP is a local subject with legal subjectivity in the country of the project implementation. Implementer must be eligible to sign contract with MFA CZ that establishes jurisdiction of Czech laws and Czech courts. A SSP may be implemented, for example by an educational, health, social or cultural institution, a non-governmental non-profit organization, a cooperative, a territorial unit. Funds are allocated to non-political and non-governmental group. A contribution can not be claimed by an individual, political party or state institution.
The project must be implemented from the date of the contract’s signing (about March 2023) to end of September 2023.
Tangible assets of the project should be marked with a logo of the Czech development cooperation. In the case of project´s intangible assets, it is always necessary to mention the financial support of the Czech development cooperation.
The financial contribution for a SSP is from 200,000 CZK to 500,000 CZK (approx. up to 20,500, - USD, 20,000, - EUR). Co-financing from other sources is arbitrary and desirable.
The project should be effective and economical, for which reason all receipts must be documented. Total cost of salary/fee, subsistence allowance, accommodation, travel cost and eventual insurance and vaccination of the experts must not exceed 25 % of the project´s total costs,
SSP does not include the payment of the implementer´s administrative costs.
Each organization may apply for a contribution of several projects, but only one project of the applicant may be supported from the funds of the Czech Republic development cooperation.
The application for a SSP grant must include:
The filled identification form in the English language, signed and stamped by the organization. "Local currency" row shall contain the amount in USD or EUR, all the Czech crowns sections must be left blank and they will be completed by the Czech Embassy in Delhi according to the valid exchange rate,
A verified copy of the document (in English or translated into English) certifying that the applicant has legal subjectivity (it is officially registered);
A confirmation in Czech or English that the person signed on the identification form has the competency to sign the application.
The application must be delivered by October 10, 2022 at the latest, to the Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi in paper form at the following address:
Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi
MLP 2023
50-M, Niti Marg, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi - 110 021
Before submitting an application by post or courier service, it (the identification form) must be scanned in a PDF file and in an Excel file. Both files must be sent in electronic form to the e-mail address newdelhi@embassy.mzv.cz and in copy to adam_podhola@mzv.cz.
Deadline for all applications delivered to the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi: October 10, 2022.
After approval of the project by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi will sign the contract about the implementation of the project with a successful applicant no later than March 31, 2023.
A small scale project must be completed till October 31, 2023 at the latest.
All financial documents and receipts must be delivered to the Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi no later than October 7, 2023.
The final report and photographic documentation must be delivered to the Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi no later than one month after the finishing of the project, but before November 15, 2023.
All questions should be sent by e-mail to the address newdelhi@embassy.mzv.cz and in copy to adam_podhola@mzv.cz. Subject of the message should be "MLP2023".
All communications must be realized in electronic form via e-mail.